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Mozzarella - G13 Labs Seeds

Kríženie UK Skunk a afganskej za následok Indica dominantný kmeňom, ktorý ľahko uspokojí aj tých najskúsenejších a úzkostlivé kultivátory. Táto nízka údržba KDMS
Cannabis Seed Popis!
Kríženie britského skunka a afganského viedlo k dominantnému kmeňu Indica, ktorý ľahko uspokojí aj tých najskúsenejších a najnáročnejších pestovateľov. Tento hybrid nenáročný na údržbu poskytuje neuveriteľné výsledky a vytvára dlhé, veľmi veľké a lepkavé hlávky kvetov (1,000 500 g/rastlina / 13 g/ m²). GXNUMX Labs Seeds Mozzarella je ako stvorená na upršané jesenné dni, poskytuje relax a príjemný spánok. Jeho chuť je zemitá so syrovými podtónmi, ale vôňa je skutočný zabijak – bude potrebovať nejaké pachové filtre, aby sa všade nedostala ťažká vôňa vyzretého syra a kadidla.
  • feminizované
  • fotoperióda
  • Vnútorné a vonkajšie


Stealthy Seeds Picker Štatistiky
Mozzarella is an excellent Cannabis Seed produced by G13 Labs Seeds which is currently only available as a Feminized Seed Choice. This Cannabis Seed Strain is made available by G13 Labs Seeds and is just one of the massive variety of over 2,400 Great Cannabis Seeds available as a Pick and Mix Single Cannabis Seed option this April in Stealthy Seeds! Mozzarella begins flowering on a 12/12 Photoperiod and the mixture of Indica and Sativa in this Cannabis Strain can best be described as Indica Dominant. The producer of this Great Cannabis Seed has listed the preferred environment as Indoor Environments. The strength of Mozzarella cannot be reliably determined at this time as the information has not been released by the breeder and the information that is available from the producer of this fine Cannabis Seed lists it as being an average yielder. G13 Labs Seeds have not yet released reliable information as to the indoor height for this strain and while it is not always possible to easily characterise the Genetics of a Cannabis Seed with simple tags, the Cannabis Seed Keywords which would best accompany Mozzarella are: Hybrid;Asia-Central;Central America and Caribbean;South American;Cheese Strains. G13 Labs Seeds have their entire selection of Quality Cannabis Seeds available for purchase at Steathy Seeds this April! Mozzarella has been described by the breeder as having a Medium (56 to 90 days) Indoor Flowering Time and no Optimal Outdoor Harvest Time information is available. One of the most notable things about Mozzarella from G13 Labs Seeds is its wonderful odor and taste that can best be described as Cheese;Earthy in its flavour and smell!
This product page was updated on Tuesday 30th of April 2024 .
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Stealthy Seeds / Mozzarella Reviews
Seed recenzie StarsHviezdna tvár
prišiel v šiestich korešpondenčných dňoch .. do Kanady ..všetky dobré a všetko je dobré ... bolo tu nakupovanie v okne ...
Seed recenzie StarsDylan mcneill
Rýchla a ľahká a rýchla poštovné ďakujem ...
Seed recenzie StarsKootenay
Mal som vynikajúcu skúsenosť so spoločnosťou Stealthy Seeds. Podarilo sa mi získať všetky semená, ktoré som chcel (a ...
Ak chcete napísať recenziu, prihláste sa.
Last Updated: Tuesday, 30 April 2024 22:07

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